Saturday, July 13, 2013

Furious 6

Read more about this here.

My take:

This movie is very ridiculous.

For a start, only 2 police officers are assigned to a case where the bad guys are wanted in dunno how many continents over dunno how many crimes. Then comes the most ridiculous scene:

The girl flew from a tank from an impact, the guy then crash his car to form an impact to fly over and catch the girl in mid air to end up on a car on the other side of the highway. Can win Bollywood man!!

Then ending, they all fight fight on a runway to stop a plane from taking off. Throughout all the fight, which lasted dunno how many minutes, it can only be assumed that the runway is this long:

At the same runway, a girl fell off from a car onto the runway. But the scene looks like she fell off a cliff but hello, the height of the car to the runway is maybe 2 meters high..? Takkan like that also can die while the 2 (refer to above) flew across the highway and survive.

Lastly, they kill off the only asian guy in the team to sneak peak on the next F&F movie. Hollywood, oh hollywood.

I rate this movie 3/5 buttered popcorns.

So, enjoy the movie!


  1. when han solo was kicked off the raptor and he hung on for half hour until yoda come kick his ass summon.. u nvr say ridikulus?

  2. ridikulus sambioza! *pointing the wand at you*


My review not lame? Ok, show me your lameness!