Thursday, October 29, 2009

Wrong Turn 3: Left For Dead

Tagline: What You Don't See Will Kill You

The story basically goes like this:

Just like the previous 2 instalments, the slasher here is a deformed cannibal hillbilly going around killing people who are lost in the woods. This round, the target is a bus of 6 convicts with 2 wardens travelling across the woods and the killing spree begins! As usual alot of creative ways of killing and finally, all is dead, except the hero. But anyway, last last also he got killed. Part 4 maybe? Oh no....!

Read more of it here.

My take:

*Yawn..* What's new except new ways of killing. The normal gore, arrow shootings, yelling, running, traps.. This is just like the previous 2 movies only the victims are abit different. Btw, I've learnt that by cutting through the knee joint will not break any bones (Biology 101). And it seems like human brain is the best part to consume while fresh..

Food to go along with this: Taufufar with Cranberry Juice

I rate this movie 3/5 buttered popcorns.

So, enjoy the movies!


  1. ur are missing "need to close eyes" and "bring teddy bear along to hug"

  2. can u review ps i love u.? Preaseeeee *cups both hands together ..& place on forehead & bows chin*


My review not lame? Ok, show me your lameness!