The story basically goes like this:
6 couples, 2 murderers. Who leh? One couple is nice and lovely, the other couple is wild and rugged and the last couple is like natural born killer. Based on Hollywood’s formula, it’s pretty obvious who are the baddies. The nice couples on honeymoon in Hawaii. That time, another couple got murdered and murderer is still on the loose. On the way they met the other 2 couples. All of them end up at the waterfall thingy and that’s where nice couples shows their true colors. The as usual the bad guys were sent back to their creator.
Read more of it here.
My take:
This movie was shown in local cinemas few weeks ago. The story is ok. Quite entertaining. But too predictable. Not even halfway of the movie can already predict who is the real killers. But Milla Jovovich is in it! That adds extra credit for being yummy to the eyes.
Food to go along with this: BBQ Chicken Wings and Pineapple Juice
I rate this movie 3.5/5 buttered popcorns. (0.5 is for Milla)
So, enjoy the movies!