Tuesday, November 17, 2009

The Unbelievable

Tagline: Winn and Gunipok Die Die Also Won't Watch

The story basically goes like this:

This is not really a movie but sort of a documentary of the spooky kind. This is originated from a TV documentary 'Guai Tam' in HK. This round, the sifu and the crew travel to Thailand and Malaysia to shoot some haunted places or haunted events hopefully will be able to capture the 'thing' in the camera. There are a few segments in this documentary, all with their own story and findings.

Read more of it here.

My take:

Scary and disgusting! Scary because this is not a movie as the settings and locations are real. Disgusting because some of the scenes shows how the wizards use live animals as sacrifices by killing the animals (chicken, fish, frog, lizard) brutally. But they are also scenes where it's too dramatic until I am not sure if it's real anymore. For example, one day the sifu is tired and that day he didn't follow the crew out for shooting. So the crew decided to try opening a coffin. During the climax, where the host tries to blow some air into the body in the coffin, the sifu suddenly rushed to the scene and say this is too dangerous and can cause death. And at the same time, the host fainted and admitted to the hospital. Isn't this abit too dramatic? Anyway, this is a good scare if you are brave as the music and the mood is there. Luckily I didn't watch this in the cinema. Imagine, if the cinema is empty... the aircon will be super cold....

Food to go along with this: None, as I need my hands to close my eyes.. and peep.

I rate this movie 3/5 buttered popcorns.

So, try to enjoy the movies!


My review not lame? Ok, show me your lameness!