Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Cabin Fever 2: Spring Fever

Tagline: This Time It's Spreading

The story basically goes like this:

1) Contaminated bottled water sent to a school.
2) Students drank it.
3) All got this flesh-decaying decease.
4) Army seal up school.
5) Kill all.
6) The end.

Read more of it here.

My take:

A storyline like that, is that even a movie to start with? Embarrassingly bad acting and poor casting. If you enjoy watching scenes like chucking back the fingernail into the decaying finger and sticking them back with glue, really obese girl skinny dipping, bloody blisters on decaying flesh, then this might be a blockbuster to you. Else go and do something better, like reading a blog like this.

If this happens in real world:

Eh, looking at the pollution these days, this is possible ok!

I rate this movie 1/5 buttered popcorns.

So, try to enjoy the movies!


  1. macam this blog? belum start ...dah end..

  2. my ques - why all flesh decay..but the teeth still so nice? Look at the skull..


My review not lame? Ok, show me your lameness!